Mass extinction on the planet Earth is only possible if we run out of water, and it is through this understanding that we know how important water is.
For life to flourish and exist in any corner of this universe, liquid water or some physical state of it has to exist. It could be any kind—freshwater or saltwater—but water is the one requisite Life demands.
And it seems that despite knowing how essential the presence of water is to finding life, we keep overlooking the obvious. Perhaps humans are so confined in their worldview that it’s difficult for them to divorce anything from their current understanding. They can’t look at any body of water seriously that is not similar to Earth’s. Perhaps we’re looking for rain and lakes and everything that we already know about water, but we forget that out there, things work differently.
And the water worlds full of the possibility of finding extra-terrestrial life are also numerous. All we need to do is look.

Since our readers are only acquainted with the mechanics of their own planet Earth, we’ll be using Earth as a reference point.
Remember how in Nolan’s epic Interstellar Cooper and co. visit a planet that is entirely covered in water? We’ll be looking at very similar bodies in this blog. Bear in mind that on these distant bodies the laws of physics might not work like they do on Earth (in the movie, one hour on the planet equals 7 years on Earth!).
Time, gravity, and even biology itself changes when you change location. Scientists have already weighed in that since these worlds are made up entirely or almost entirely of water, life is very different there. The creatures that exist there might not even use DNA or RNA. Their basic chemistry may be very different – better adapted for life on a water world.
Jupiter is orbited by four of what are known as Galilean moons—while it has a total of 79 moons. Europa is the smallest of these Galilean moons, and it turns out that Europa is rich in water. But how much water exactly is there on this moon?
Think of all of Earth’s water: the seas, the lakes, the reservoirs, et al. All amalgamated into one bib blob of water. Europa has twice this amount of water. Only as big as our own moon, Europa is abundant in the singular most important resource that supports life.
A small Saturn moon, Enceladus caught the attention of star gazers as it throws water out into space. It is endowed with geysers so powerful they gush out into space, and the presence of a giant ocean on the moon was confirmed when NASA’s Cassini flew by it. The spacecraft even collected samples of water from space, to better determine if water on Saturn’s moon is the same as ours.
The moon Triton orbiting the planet Neptune that is quite far from the Earth. The only photo NASA has of Triton was obtained through the Voyager probe. In these photos, it’s evident that cryovolcanoes that throw out water exist on the moon. Most of this water is frozen—which explains why its volcanoes ejec water instead of lava.
A small Saturn moon, icy to the core, is Dione. It too has a subsurface ocean. Scientists on the Cassini mission confirmed this in 2016.
The ostracized dwarf planet is almost entirely covered with water. New Horizons, a spacecraft sent out by NASA, confirmed the presence of water and a giant ocean on the planet.
The second largest Galilean moon of Jupiter is also covered in ice and has a giant ocean. Since the crust of this ocean is extremely think, it’s likely that scientists will have a hard time cracking this puzzle!
Perhaps the only Saturn moon to be in the limelight these days is Titan – similar to the Earth in size, composition, and ocean. Its ocean very similar to ours. Hidden beneath a dense crust, this ocean could hold the keys that could unravel many mysteries for us.
The last on the list is Jupiter’s largest moon and is also the biggest moon in our Solar System. The water on this moon is eighteen times the amount of water on Earth. Let that sink in.
Interested in Knowing More?

R. Scott Lemriel, known as the Direct Experience-based Hidden Truth Revealing Researcher and author, provides or shares many of his experiences with fellow human beings on Earth and the ways to safely access what he refers to as ‘Direct Knowing Perception.’
Explore his hidden truth revealing books The Seres Agenda (with a special techniques section at the back) and The Emerald Doorway (book on of The Parallel Time Trilogy) and much more eye-opening deliberately hidden truth for you uplifting benefit at his four websites.
Good to know this is, as intended, to be of benefit to you.
With kind respectful regards,
R. Scott Lemriel – my work with THE SERES AGENDA book and THE EMERALD DOORWAY (book one of The Parallel Time Trilogy) – what is revealed in them for your personal awakening experience is far more important than this article.